Italy: country that I would like to know

Hello classmates!
Since childhood I  always loved Italy, I have family there that I do not know and I suppose that may be a reason why I would like to go to Italy. The things that I know about Italy are: they had the World Figure Skating Champion (I don't know if it still is) and it has beautiful monuments. If I will go to Italy I would like to go to Rome, Verona, Milan and Venice, to know all the museums and obviously to meet my family.
I would like to go to Italy only for holidays (maximum two months) because I am very close to my parents, friends and family and I can't imagine being away from them, and even if they left with me, I love my country too much <3
I love watching movies and one of my favorites is "Letters to Juliet", the film was recorded in Italy, Verona and the whole plot is about Italy but there is one thing that I found very curious and is this: In Verona there is a house called "Casa de Julieta" is a real place (I'll show you a picture below) where many tourists come every day, especially women to leave letters about love to Juliet and it's the house where according to the story of Shakespeare was the most romantic love story in the world: Romeo and Juliet.


  1. Wow, those memories about Romeo and Juliet are wonderful. When you are there, can we visit you?

  2. Hi honey! I hope that one day we will go to Italy together, I would love to know this country <3

  3. I love Italy! Nice choose. I hope one day go to Europe and begin at Turín. xo


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