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In my school the English was very basic and I entered the university knowing almost nothing, I never felt motivated to learn another language until I entered the university because they demand English. During my two years in the university I have been watching my progress in English, especially when I have to speak in English, because now my speech is more fluent, but I am not saying I know how to speak English.
Blogs for me have been very helpful because:
- I have learned new words.
-Now I can read some texts in English without the need to use a translator.
There is one thing that has helped me a lot in learning English and it is watching series and films in English, I find it hard to speak in English and write in English, but watching series and movies has helped me a lot.
Writing in English is still a problem for me, blogs have helped me a lot but now that English is over I do not know how I'm going to practice English, I was thinking about watching series with English subtitles or reading texts in English but as I know myself I know I will not do either. My mom wants me to attend an English course during the holidays but many people tell me it's not worth it (please leave your opinion in the comments about this topic) and I do not want to because I want to enjoy my holidays (I want to skate, go to the beach and going out with friends on vacation).
Nowadays I use very little English, only in English classes and when I watch a series or film therefore I do not spend more than seven hours a week in English but now that I'm going on vacation I hope to spend more time in English because I really want to learn this language and I want to watch more series.


  1. I also, at the beginning of the career, knew very little about English but with these classes it has been much easier for me to learn from my own mistakes.


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