My opinion

Hi classmates, today i'm going to write about my opinion to different questions

Violence on television?
The World Health Organization defines violence as the intentional use of physical force, threats against oneself or another person and which results in trauma, psychological damage, developmental problems or death.
Based on this definition, I can say yes, there is violence on television but not only violence is seen but also television promotes violence. Today television shows us wars, catastrophes and atrocities (like murders, disappearances or rapes) that for our society it is necessary to be up-to-date with these aspects because we can give them a solution but often these events instead of raising awareness promote an attitude of violence

Having pets at home?
In my house we have a cat, his name is regalon and he has made my life much happier. Having a pet changes your life in many aspects because you have a life to take care of and when deciding to have a pet you have to be very responsible with that decision. Today people have pets but do not give them enough care, for example in food, visits to the vet and something less expensive to deliver, love. A pet is not going to be happy just to have a roof and food, they need someone to bathe them, play with them and care for them and all that love that one gives them will be rewarded.

The first cloning was the sheep Dolly and since then the knowledge has been increasing, today there are commercial companies that make clones like the South Korean company RNL Bio which offers the identical copy of pets. I do not know if I agree with the cloning but what I do know is that nature projecting it towards the future could lose its essence because sexual reproduction will diminish and the evolutionary processes would be stagnant.
Nowadays, people are becoming more aware of global warming and what to do to stop it, supermarkets reduced the amount of plastic bags they delivered and it is expected that in the future they will no exist. I am totally in favor of recycling, since childhood my family has instilled values and habits and one of those habits is recycling, once a week we are going to recycle a green dot, cartons, glass bottles, cans and plastic bottles.


  1. Regarding violence on television, I believe that parents should take responsibility for what they see as children.


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