Hello classmates, today I am going to tell you about the postgraduate I would like to study in the future. In previous post I  named two postgraduate studies: the first is Pediatric dentistry and the second is Legal and forensic dentistry, today I am going to talk about Pediatric dentistry.
I like this postgraduate because it is focused on the oral health of children, including those with a disability. Being a pediatric dentist is a very important task because it greatly influences the perspective of the child towards dentistry, I explain: if the child is not well attend  by the dentist, the child will be afraid to attend dental consultations in the future and as a consequence he will have poor oral health. In Chile, oral health is very poor and is often due to the rejection of people towards dentists and in my opinion, if dentists show children that he is not a monster (this is how children see dentists) and he cares about their health, I am sure that the child in the future will acquire behaviors of prevention and promotion in oral health, and in the long term it could be that the oral health of the Chilean population will be better.
This postgraduate I would like to do it in Chile and at the University of Chile, attending face-to-face classes.


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